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Magic Gardens Reopening In April With Timed Tickets! Recycled Coolness

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You know, there’s something that makes the average human being go from ordinary to extraordinary when they decide what to do with the trash. It could be as small as making a game of basketball out of squashed soda cans or as big as making a collage out of bottle caps. In recent memory? Magic Gardens took the 3 R’s to a whole new scope. They made a beautiful tapestry of trash to walk through. You might know of it’s existence on 1020 South Street. Well, guess what?

They’re reopening! Magic Gardens is reopening!

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Magic Gardens have been shut down to avoid the spread and flatten the bump in the bed. But nowadays, they’re gearing up to welcome back visitors to the motley maze. Of course, due to the virus, people are going to have to wear masks. It’s a necessity, especially in the indoor galleries, as they will limit about 10 people per entry. Timed tickets are also going to be a factor her. They can get got on the site. According to Events and Marketing Manager Allison Boyle, Magic Gardens is excited to be back themselves. “Nearly 94% of the nonprofit’s revenue comes from admissions, making the past year difficult with closures and a reduced capacity. Now that spring has arrived, PMG looks forward to welcoming the community back!” 

Granted, if you are on the going there, you may need to stay six-feet away from folks with hand-sanitizing available for guests all-around. If you can’t do this, might as well wait it out till this bad dream is all over. People are likely going to be super strict about these precautions. Why shouldn’t they be? You can’t avoid the inevitable if you aren’t being careful. That is all they’re asking. Is that so hard to answer with some courtesy?

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