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Blue Angels Fly Over Philadelphia

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On Tuesday, a great deal of noise sounded from the skies over Philadelphia. Instead of cause for alarm, it was part of a celebration in gratitude to healthcare workers. The previously quiet city, hunkered down in self-quarantine, filled with screeching as the Blue Angels, accompanied by Thunderbirds, flew through blue skies.

Ordinarily, healthcare workers operate with little thanks paid to them beyond recovered patients. However, their difficult jobs became all the more strenuous when coronavirus broke out across the country. Faced with long, tough hours, hospital staff tend to patients with great patience and skill.

In return for their tireless work, the Navy and Air Force dispatched pilots in a small display of thanks. Blue Angels organized into formation and streaked white trails in an impressive display. They encircled the city twice, twelve jets in all ripping through the air for spectators below.

Residents Take to Streets, Parks to View Blue Angels

People came out to view the passing of the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds overhead. Somewhat ironically, many gathered together in close proximity in places like the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Others stood atop their vehicles or came out to parks for a better view.

The Philadelphia Inquirer interviewed one family that drove out to Philadelphia from Quakertown just to watch the jets. “It’s really nice to still have stuff to look forward to like this,” said father Brian Johnson. His wife, Nicole, and two sons, Tyler and Jayden, joined him.

The flight path began in New York then proceeded Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst where they briefly landed. Then, the jets flew over Trenton and Levittown. Finally, they made their way over Philadelphia, soaring over City Hall around 2 in the afternoon.

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